Sunday, October 28, 2007


Everyone has seen this guys face a million times. This picture might as well be printed in text books by now because this, my friends, is the face of someone who, simply put, got away with murder. In my opinion, the guilt is basically written across his face. He almost looks a little bit discreetly proud of himself. I don't understand how anyone can say that they believe that O.J. Simpson is not guilty of the murder of his wife. Even though I was young when this whole ordeal was introduced to me, in my head I already believed this guy would have to be stupid to think he wouldn't get away with this. Guess I was wrong. Very, very wrong.
The picture to the left could be the background to this blog. It is the complete definition of what I've been writing about for these last few weeks, which is how surprised I am about how certain people get away with certain things, and how they do it successfully. He is the ultimate antagonist to the basis of this blog, and also the ultimate example of everything that should not be happening in this world.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Softball Game in Jersey

This weekend I went to New Jersey for a softball tournament. We were there from Friday until today; I actually just got home from it. I saw something in the game that really, kind of bothered me. Getting away with or not getting away with something in the real world is a lot different then in a game like softball. The umpire decides what's safe, what's out, what's a ball, what's a strike, and just about anything that requires an opinion. The other team got away with something during one of these games that honestly left me bewildered. Our team was in the field, and there was two outs, last inning. It was tied, and it was obvious that our team was the better one, but we had one bad inning in which the errors got the best of us. There was a runner on second, and the girl at bat hit it to the center-fielder. She picked it up, and threw it to the second baseman to get it into home, since one of the runners was rounding around third. The second baseman made an amazing throw to the catcher, but apparently the runner would have no part in "getting out," so she thought it would be alright to push the catcher off of the base completely and cause her to get pegged in the face by the ball going, oh I don't know 300 m.p.h. The umpire must have missed the full-on shove to the catcher and called the girl safe. Thinking about it now, I don't know why we didn't all just go beat up the umpire. It made me realize how glad I am softball is nothing like the real world, if an umpire was in charge of anything that had to do with my life, I'd be pretty freaking ticked off.

Monday, October 8, 2007


At our homecoming game on Friday, I couldn't help but notice the, i don't know - few million cops walking around. They were obviously there to bust all the people who were drunk, had alcohol on them, or had some kind of drug on them. Honestly, they weren't much of a scare, since just about everyone i talked to that night was at least a little bit under the influence. I realized that us, as teenagers, can really get away with anything we try to get away with, even when it is a group of people's complete purpose to try to stop us or get us in trouble.